K’awat’si Economic

Coast Funds has featured the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations in an article that looks at how the community is reclaiming its economic self-sufficiency through the establishment of the k’awat’si Economic Development Corporation.

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Chief Paddy Walkus speaking at the grand opening of Kwa’lilas Hotel.

“Decades after a government relocation of two First Nations separated them from their homelands and means of subsistence, the GWA’SALA-’NAKWAXDA’XW NATIONS began developing a plan to return their community to economic self-sufficiency.

Through an in-depth community consultation and planning process, the Nations developed a strategy to support its members through the creation of K̓AWAT̕SI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Within a few short years, the corporation has become an economic force on north Vancouver Island, operating seven distinct businesses and employing, during its peak season, over 130 employees.

By investing in skill development for community members, maintaining a commitment to strengthening culture, and ensuring its businesses enhance the environment, the corporation has become a symbol of the will and strength of the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw people, a people who are once again self-determining their economic future.”

Click here to read the full article.