K’awat’si Economic

First Art Piece Approved For Kwa’lilas Hotel

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Last week, the Elders’ Selection Committee met with the Shain Jackson, lead artist for Kwa’lilas Hotel, to continue making progress with the hotel’s art curation. To date, Kwa’lilas Hotel has received 12 design ideas from 4 community members and artists.

We are excited to announce that the first piece of art has been approved.  A room divider, designed by Walter Brown, will be featured in all 85 rooms. Walter chose to represent the ‘Nakwaxda’xw legend of the eagle and the whale, which tells the story of how land formations in Bluden harbour are bodies of whales that the eagle protected from hunters when they first arrived. The whales then transformed into humans who became the first of the ‘Nakwaxda’xw people who then adopted the beaver and made him human as well. The beaver was known as a wood carver, responsible for his ability and fine workmanship that was passed on to descendants including Charlie George and his family. Multiple room dividers will now be made out of aluminum, cut with a water jet and a given a powder coat finish. Congratulations to Walter on his outstanding work! The Elders’ Selection Committee and Shain will continue to meet to evaluate sample submissions.

The Kwa’lilas Hotel team has been working hard to conceptualize plans for an art gallery gift shop near the lobby of the hotel. The gift shop will feature carvings, paintings, and other work by local artists involved in various steps of the hotel construction and design. The shop will also showcase an artist on a monthly basis. The exhibit will provide a place for the artist to craft their art on-site and give guests an insider view to their creative process. Guests will have the option to purchase any number of works in the gallery.

Lead artist, Shain Jackson, presents art submissions for the Kwa’lilas Hotel at an elders’ lunch. Clockwise: Shain Jackson, Gertie Walkus, Mary Johnson, Kathy Walkus, Hazel Perkins, and Janet Paul.
Lead artist, Shain Jackson, presents art submissions for the Kwa’lilas Hotel at an elders’ lunch. Clockwise: Shain Jackson, Gertie Walkus, Mary Johnson, Kathy Walkus, Hazel Perkins, and Janet Paul.