K’awat’si Economic

Kwa’lilas Hotel and Pier Side Landing Boast New Logos

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After a two-week design process, a new logo for Pier Side Landing has been finalized and put into action! The new logo, which gives the property an “identity”, will be featured on name tags, letterhead, stationary and hotel signage. The logo has also been added to websites and the property management system.

As Pier Side Landing is not an Aboriginal-themed hotel, the logo includes visual elements that reflect the hotel’s surroundings and sense of place. The blue and green colours relate to the local landscape, while the image respects the nearby mountains and ocean. The Pier Side Landing logo gets the thumbs up from staff who feel that it shows guests that the hotel is welcoming and friendly. Keep an eye out for the new look as you drive or walk by!

The logo for Kwa’lilas Hotel was approved by the elders last week, marking another major milestone for the hotel. In a collaborative design by Shain Jackson and Tommy Brown, the imagery features a long house and also displays a key element of the hotel, a traditional smoke hole which can be seen on the roof. Congratulations to Shain and Tommy for their outstanding team effort! Stay tuned for more on the Kwa’lilas Hotel logo as we make the move to share it with the public.