K’awat’si Economic

Meet Gertie Walkus: Member of the Elders’ Art Selection Committee for Kwa’lilas Hotel

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A proud member of the Nakwaxda’xw nation, Gertie Walkus is thrilled to be part of the Elders’ Selection Committee for the Kwa’lilas Hotel. Gertie’s goal for being on the selection committee is to ensure that the artwork shows meaning and the nations’ history of their old ways, and has a vision to see many young artists getting involved with the project.

Her interest in art was sparked by her grandfather, who actively carved and painted while Gertie was growing up. Being surrounded by art from a young age, Gertie began working on button blankets, and has since passed on her craft to younger generations. She holds teachings from her parents and grandparents close to her heart, and wants to see that the younger generations have the same experience of knowing the history of their people and where they come from.

Gertie is eager to see the final project and how it impacts the community in a positive way.

Gertie Walkus is part of the Elders’ Selection Committee, which reviews art submissions by community members for Kwa’lilas Hotel. Gertie Walkus is part of the Elders’ Selection Committee, which reviews art submissions by community members for Kwa’lilas Hotel.