K’awat’si Economic

Meet Tohmm Cobban: Kwa’lilas Hotel’s lead architect

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Tohmm Cobban is the lead architect for Kwa’lilas Hotel and owns his own architect firm, Tohmm Cobban Architect. He was first introduced to KEDC through longtime friend and classmate Malcolm McSporran, who is the building designer for Kwa’lilas Hotel. Tohmm and Malcolm share an avid interest in designing buildings that resonate with the culture and heritage of the community.

Tohmm is honoured to be part of the Kwa’lilas team and is continuously impressed with the breadth of KEDC’s vision and the commitment to this project and the future of the Gwa’sala Nakwaxda’xw community.

For the past fifteen years, Tohmm Cobban has held the pen to a variety of projects ranging from mixed residential buildings to a public square and open air theatre building. One of the projects he is most proud of is the Spirit Square in Haida Gwaii, B.C. As pictured below, the wedge-shaped public place with a small outdoor theatre and landscaping was built by the people of the Village of Queen Charlotte in Haida Gwaii.

At the University of Toronto’s School of Architecture, Tohmm studied diverse aspects of architectural design, including residential, institutional integration into the environment.

Caption: Tohmm Cobban, Lead Architect at Kwa’lilas Hotel and Principal at Tohmm Cobban Architect
Caption: Tohmm Cobban, Lead Architect at Kwa’lilas Hotel and Principal at Tohmm Cobban Architect